Monday, August 10, 2009

Covey Run 2004 Syrah

Just the other night, I took my girlfriend out to dinner. It was not a BYOB, however I still wanted a glass of wine for dinner, so I had to spend $6.50 for a single glass of Columbia Crest 2007 Syrah. Quite expensive for someone without a job.

Before we went, I knew I would want more than just one glass of wine, which is all my poor ass could handle at the restaurant. So I headed over to the local wine cellar to buy a little something for after dinner. I'm not really a cake person, so wine is my dessert.

I happened to run across Covey Run 2004 Syrah which I purchased. The price... $6.50. The same price for an entire bottle as the single glass I had for dinner. It was actually on sale, so the regular price should be about $8 or $9, but whatever. I felt it to be a good deal.

The wine, for such a cheap price, was really quite tasty. This was a smooth Syrah with rich flavors and spice notes. It was grown in the Washington State. I could drink glass after glass of this delicious wine.

Sadly I am writing this post a day after drinking it, so I am a little hazy on the details of the taste. What I can easily say is that I recommend this wine if you are a Syrah drinker. It has strong flavor, and is incredibly smooth. Enjoy.

Wine, wine, all the time

Greetings internet.

I love wine. I love the internet. What better way to combine the two, than to create my very own Wine Blog!

This shall be my personal wine blog. Seeing that I drink wine rather occasionally, I have decided to take my opinions on the wine I drink and share it with the entire world...on the internet.

From now on, any time I drink a bottle of wine, I shall post about it. What does it taste like, how much bite does it have, what was the price, is it worth it, etc.